
Vince Yue

Peer Review

Hello Alistair, Brian and Yulu,

I think your Interactive Learning Resource Draft about Happiness is very interesting, and the course content could be helpful and practical concept for high school students. The learning content is well- selected and the course structure is reasonable. However, I have a few suggestions that might be useful for your final draft.

In your first activity, you require students to watch a TED video on YouTube related to happiness. I think it is a good start for students to get to know the topic. However, it seems to me that 15 students might watch 15 different videos. I understand that everyone has different definition of happiness, but with different videos, students learn the concept with different depth, and it is difficult to measure what each student learned in pre-assessment stage.

In the second activity, teachers and students discuss how one can be happier. In this activity, teacher and student interactive can assess some students’ learning outcome after watch a video. However, this type of discussion is random and not well-organized. It is unpredictable that how many students would participate in discussion, and how many question they have. For students who are shy to ask questions, they might not be able to learn from this activity. Moreover, if more students, beyond 15, use this learning resource to learn the concept, lots of students might not have a chance to get involved in the discussion.

Moreover, learning is a lonely process, and perhaps you might consider designing some peer to peer interaction activities. Students might feel easier to communicate with other students than teachers, and students also can learn from each other. In addition, peer to peer interaction can help student to establish skills beyond knowledge. Perhaps you might consider letting students to pair in groups of 2 to 5 and discuss the gratitude letter they write.

My last suggestion is that you might consider adding a summative assessment into your learning design. Students might need a final assessment where they cannot make any changes at the end of the course. I think students should be given a summative assessment as the overall assessment of their course performance.


Link to the project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ik_w_O8Jviu-4wMwvbnkM8YlaYIWNYHG3LKxxQy_62M/edit

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